Saturday, March 28, 2015

Will there be a New Champion after Wrestlemania 31

Will There Be A New Champion After Wrestlemania 31?
Where Does The WWE Go From Here?
March, 28, 2015

The Main Event
Over the past few weeks it has been said by the advocate of Brock Lesnar,Paul Heyman, that Roman Reigns does not have what it takes to defeat Lesnar, that Reigns will suffer a beating at Wrestlemania. He claimed that Reigns decided to become champion "at the wrong place; at the wrong time." So what can we expect between these two this Sunday? Does Reigns really have what it takes to defeat the Beast? Well, that depends on two things. First, does Brock Lesnar want to continue to be a part of WWE even if he's not champion. Two, is he in good health? If both are yes than we can assume that Lesnar will defeat Roman Reigns. Back at Wrestlemania 19 it was Kurt Angle against the new young star Brock Lesnar, who ended up winning. But why did he win? Kurt Angle had needed neck surgery, but he was champion, So, the WWE devised a plan where Lesnar would defeat Angle so Kurt would be able to have the surgery, as they did not want to vacate the title for Wrestlemania's main event. While Lesnar almost lost, getting a concussion in attempting to do the shooting star press, every thing was according to plan and when Angle returned he defeated Lesnar and became champion once more at Vengeance 2003. With Lesnar getting older, he has no interest in being just part of the roster. He wants to be relevant, which means he wants to be champion. Since he is a part-time wrestler, if he loses than he has nothing worth staying. Therefore, if Lesnar is in some way or shape hurt than that might be the opportunity for Reigns to get his moment. Not to take anything away from Reigns, but the WWE wants to keep Lesnar as long as they can, it's just something that is good for business. If Reigns loses it might devastate him, but he is still very young and will surely get many more opportunities in the future. There is one other alternate ending to this match that could leave neither Lesnar nor Reigns champion. Of course I am talking about Seth Rollins and his Money in the Bank Contract. Now is his best chance to cash in if he wants to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. With only 3 months remaining before that contract expires he is running out of time and what better opportunity to do it when these two men are going at it. The WWE has given Lesnar everything to have him remain in WWE, including Undertaker's streak and crowning him Champion. Why would they take it away now? 

Plans for Wrestlemania XXXII
Next year's Wresltemania takes place at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas and WWE wants this to be one of the biggest Wrestlemania's ever, so they are reaching out to all legends that are still capable of performing to be some part of the greatest event of the year. While the feud between Sting and HHH certainly caught the attention of fans, it left many wondering if the so called match between Sting and the Undertaker would ever happen. Well, there's always next year. 
With Undertaker's streak coming to an end at last year's Wrestlemania, it gives the Phenom the opportunity to finally face Sting. This would explain why Taker is facing a lower caliber wrestler this year. WWE wants his last match  to be against a memorable and worthy opponent and for it to be in his home state of Texas. With the WWE trying to look for a way to perfect next year's Wrestlemania and fill up the seats they will need to do something that will grab the attention of their fans and this could start right after Wrestlemania. There have been rumors spreading that John Cena will take some time off and not compete in next year's Wrestlemania, which might indicate that Cena looses against Rusev. After tomorrow we will know one thing. If John Cena is not able to defeat Rusev at Wrestlemania, it would make sense for WWE to bring back Kurt Angle. Angle would be the perfect candidate to end Rusev's reign. While Angle would only be a part-time wrestler he could still be U.S. Champion given that he wrestles once every month or so. Also, Angle returning could later spark a feud between him and Lesnar, which would be really good for business given that the two have a rivalry in the past. This decision would lie in the hands of Triple H, who had a problem with Angle asking Vince McMahon to come back to the WWE a couple of months ago, after being told "No" by HHH.

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